LIVE RADIO 17:00 PM / 23:00 PM (UTC+2)

LIVE RADIO 17:00 PM / 23:00 PM (UTC+2)

Brian Eno 404.04.2022


Titulaire d’un diplôme de l’école des Beaux-Arts de Winchester, il s’intéresse à l’art conceptuel, à la sculpture sonore et aux travaux musicaux de John Cage, John Tilbury et Steve Reich.

Tracklisting :
1-Ice World (Album : The Drop 1997)
2-Belgian Drop (Album : The Drop 1997)
3-Block Drop (Album : The Drop 1997)
4-This (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
5-And Then So Clear (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
6-A Long Way Down (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
7-Going Unconscious (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
8-Caught Between (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
9-Passing Over (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
10-How Many Worlds (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
11-Bottomliners (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
12-Bone Bomb (Album : Another Day On Earth 2005)
13-Flint March (Album : Small Craft on a Milk Sea 2010)
14-Dust Shuffle (Album : Small Craft on a Milk Sea 2010)
15-Paleosonic (Album : Small Craft on a Milk Sea 2010)
16-Drums Between The Bells-1 (Album : Brian Eno & Rick Holland 2012)
17-Drums Between The Bells-2 (Album : Brian Eno & Rick Holland 2012)
18-Late Anthropocene (Album : Small Craft on a Milk Sea 2010)
19-Drums Between The Bells-3 (Album : Brian Eno & Rick Holland 2012)
20-Written, Forgotten (Album : Small Craft on a Milk Sea 2010)
21-Drums Between The Bells-4 (Album : Brian Eno & Rick Holland 2012)
22-Ice World (Album : The Drop 1997)
23-Lux 1 (Album : Lux 2012)

Documents, sources :
Interview France Inter 2019-02-08

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